Thursday, November 30, 2023

Don't Let The Rotten Apples Spoil Your Fun!

The bowl is cut glass, so easy to find and super cheap for an elegant look

I found a sprig of pine to add and play off the red of the apples

This should last the whole season 


I haven't been able to write in quite awhile, well because of life. To be exact I had to go back to the stress center where I was 18 months ago. To say it was a major setback would be an understatement but it got me that moment I needed to see a few things in my life very clearly and confront some past issues regardless of the reaction that was certain to come. It also gave me the chance to look at all the obstacles I have had to overcome some self created or purposely put in my way, yet somehow I kept going. I had come to the realization that when someone purposely blocks you or places obstacles in your way, it's their obsession and need for control not yours. 

 I learned that the groups that block you the most are the ones that really hate to see you succeed and they will use the most hateful methods, and have the nerve to be angry when their intimidation methods don't work. On that note I have now encountered a couple misguided white supremacist in my travels. The first a young man in Greenville NC in a parking lot apparently my presence bothered him so much he had to flashy sign me his symbol to let me know that a black woman getting coffee was a problem, Who Knew?!

The next was in Indianapolis IN and it came from a fat man eating ribs with his cohorts. Funny enough at a restaurant that is known for embracing Black chefs and entertainers, that he choose to eat at. My theory on this is a black woman eating ribs with her family was so offensive he had to stop gobbling up his ribs to let me know by again flashy signing me. So the moral of the story is white supremacist find great offense in minorities getting coffee and eating out, which has been proven throughout our countries history at the lunch counters and boycotts that had to happen because God forbid black people eat out right? We know there was way more to that and still is but when you break it down in those simple terms it always sounds absurd. 

This ties into thrifting because while I love thrifting I have encountered my fair share of confederate flags, nazi memorabilia and offensive black art that one tends to encounter the further South one travels, with some parts of Indiana thrown in. Here's the funny part some of my best clients throughout the years have had some of these things tattooed in plain sight and most of them either addressed it and tried to explain, the others visibly had a problem with me especially when they realized that I was in charge and they had to go through me to get what they wanted. Money exchanging hands can cure any number of racist thoughts I have found, does it change an attitude? No but it won't stop them from figuring how to do business with you, Money is green after all!

After encountering these things this past week I was able to go about my day because, I chose to laugh at the thought of a grown man so wrapped up in his hate that he had to stop gobbling up those ribs to let me know my blackness was an issue for him. If that's not funny I don't know what is! I am little woman who only weighs a buck five so if he had to stopping eating the ribs to let me know I bothered him that's saying something. 

This weeks video is about creating a centerpiece from fresh fruit and other finds from nature. It works because this is season we are embracing the change in seasons and prepping for the holidays and looking forward to the new year and new beginnings. Taking all of the things that nature has to offer and incorporating those things into you table for the upcoming holidays. Even life presents obstacles it can't change natures offerings and what you make from them free of charge.

I went for a hike and found the pinecones, the apples came from an orchard in Indiana and the beauty of it is no matter where you live you can use what nature provided for you. If you live in a different region let me know what you use, I love learning about different areas and how they celebrate the holidays and if that is a different religion I really want to learn about it. 

. I found the bowl in the attic so many good finds there, I can't wait to delve into what I found and what I plan on doing with it. I placed the pinecones around the bowl and pyramided the apples for height. It was supper easy and came out beautifully. The key is to shine the apples with a little bit off vegetable oil using a paper towel to dip in the oil and a polishing cloth to shine the apple. 

The tie in for me is someone else's hate doesn't change nature and it certainly doesn't have to change your mood in both cases it can bring about laughter and a turn in thought. Keep being you and keep creating for you despite the haters of the world who will always hate. 

 I have learned that even though you are going through it, making something pretty can lighten your mood and allow you to feel like accomplished something for the day. If you don't do anything else stay positive and be proud you are functioning the best you can.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The Dark Dark and Thrifting for Therapy

I start this entry off in a very weird place, weird because I haven't touched this blog in over ten years. So I feel like I need to fill in the last ten years but honestly things didn't start to get really interesting until Covid. This is not an unusual thing because Covid changed life for most of us, for some of us it was good place to make big changes, for others like myself it was like having the rug pulled out from under you. I am not a place that I need to spill all the details but to say that life has changed drastically is the understatement of the century. 

In the midst of all that I also realized that life will most certainly challenge you but if you look really closely even in your darkest hour you will see some really amazing, beautiful things and meet some really amazing people along the way and I promise one day you will get your laugh back.I get it having been in what I call the dark place for a really long time you think I can't possibly get to a place where I find beauty in anything, much less find joy and laughter but I promise you it will come and when it does you will be blown away at how much your view of the world changes little by little. 

For me my Dark Dark came after covid, then divorce (long ugly story) and then a full blown breakdown that was very public and not by my consent but what can you do but cope the best you can. I got my light back in the great state of North Carolina despite some very powerful external beings who are determined to keep me in the Dark Dark as long as possible. The lovely thing is once you get your light back you can't let the Dark Dark Creep back in so you learn to play the game your way. You also learn that no matter how  fragile you feel, that fragility can be your sword and shield. You see fragility is seen as a weakness and the dark dark will use your fragility against you and eventually over play their hand, that my friend is the moment that you reveal your'e not so fragile or stupid and you start to get your power back. 

Now you might be thinking how did you get your light back under those conditions? North Carolina  is where I found my light and my laugh despite all the bad acting and posturing with the subtlety of a bull in a china shop, but I learned to laugh at the unexpected, see people and situations for exactly what they put out in the universe.

 My favorite part is I got my laugh back in North Carolina or more importantly I got my giggle back. Now ladies you know that giggle the one that is different than your regular laugh. It's that giggle you reserve for  those times when the joke is private, the one under your breath when something strikes you as funny, the one you might share with someone else but only someone who knows what it means, not everyone gets to experience "the giggle". I got mine back from an unexpected source and I'm grateful regardless of where it came from or what sinister motive lay behind it.

I also got my light back by enjoying the stunning landscape gifted to me in the state. North Carolina has it all the ocean, the mountains and the most spectacular blue skies I have ever seen. All that coupled with weather that is mostly moderate, not that summer is not hot but you get these beautiful mornings that are clear and sunny. You get just enough cold to layer up a little and still enjoy the outdoors when that beautiful sun is shinning.

North Carolina is also the place where I rediscovered my love of thrifting, this place is rife with antiques, vintage and all sorts of treasures and curiosities and the best part is the prices. They are almost always better than anywhere else. At least the states I have thrifted in, if you love china, crystal, and any sort of vintage curiosity you can dream of you will find it here and in most cases the price will be better than almost anywhere else. 

So this new chapter of my blog will be all about thrifting and saving a buck, but at a different stage in life. I will also be sharing all my experiences surrounding the thrifting good bad otherwise, because when I first started this blog there were only handful of black women who actually really got into it. Do I have stories yes, and unfortunately some of those stories are recent stories. I promise to post pictures and videos of my travels here or hopefully overseas one day, as I thrift and collect my around life.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Christmas freak and other family traditions.

OK this is it only a few days left before Christmas and I went from being relatively calm about where I was at with every thing to slightly panicked as of this morning.! I was OK languishing in my overly relaxed state until I realized that I still had presents to wrap and hide, a pan of lasagna to make, cookies that need to be cut out and baked. Not a big deal to some but most of the things on this list require a trip to the grocery store for ingredients, which means coupons to download brushing ones hair and trying to look half way decent just in case you run into someone you know, and we all know its that one snotty soccer mom that always looks perfect and you know she's judging!

The decorations came out great this year with only $200.00 spent and that includes the tree, fabric, ornaments, wrapping paper and batteries. Ill give you a list of where I found everything on the cheap and links to some websites that helped me create my holiday looks this year.

As I sit her listening to Xmas music, I'm the crazy person who would listen to it year round if permitted! I thought about my love of Christmas music and so many other things related to this holiday in particular, I chuckled to myself thinking the music is why my husband started calling me the Christmas Freak in the first place.

When we first met I was very upfront about my love of Christmas, but I don't really think he knew the full extent of what he was getting into. My love of Christmas comes from childhood, up until I was seven years old my family celebrated the holiday, and then for religious reasons decided we would not be celebrating any longer. As a kid this is not an easy transition to say the least, I'm pretty sure the psychological effects still linger to this day. We will save all that for a shrink, all I know that as soon as I was on my own at nineteen, Christmas came back in a huge way!

The big problem with that is where most people understand all of the traditions and Christmas nuances, I had no clue. I didn't even know the lyrics to most of the songs, so I pretty much made up everything(even songs) as I went along from year to year taking bits and pieces from friends and extended family to make as my own. I can look back now and laugh at some of those things, like the "Christmas Bush". the Christmas bush was called that because the first live tree I bought was only about 5ft6 inches and as round as it was tall. I had no clue how to pick a tree and looked for the fluffiest one I could find, it was also the shortest but since I'm only 5ft1 it seemed tall to me. Not until my best friend, who taught me most of what I know about the holiday arrived and laughed at my tree did I realize my mistake. in my defense it was still fluffiest! The Christmas bush is now a tradition in my house, the picture of it sits on a shelf each year in my office around the holidays. I can look back and laugh at all those things because isn't that what it's all about not taking yourself to seriously and learning from all experiences.

As each year passes I realize that where most people either take Christmas for granted or get overly stressed about making it perfect I really get into it because I can remember what it was like not to have it at all. I would much rather enjoy new traditions with friends and family, listen to Christmas music everyday for two months, burn the cookies every now and then, have the dog pee on the Christmas tree
and get no sleep from December 23-26th, then to to not have it at all! Cherish the season, love your family, laugh with your friends and Thank the Lord for all the good things you have in your life!

The side board decorations are my grandmothers collection of dishes and the mercury glass pieces came from Marshals total cost=$26.00. Most of the ornaments came from Target or were gifts total cost=$10.00

The Wreath in the dining room $5.00 purchased on day after Xmas at Target, the wooden candle holders $4.00 and feather trees also $4.00 at a local thrift store.
Side table
Dining room centerpiece Venetian tray was a gift the Mercury glass votives came from Target $1.00 a piece the larger mercury glass votive Marshals $6.99 the sliver chalices Target $9.99 a piece after Valentines day sale, pearls mine along with the champagne bucket,I scored the gold pine cones for $2.50 at Goodwill a whole bushel barrel full some painted others natural.
The mantle was no cost everything there I already owned from previous holidays
The mantle consist of items either from Holidays or items I use everyday, the only purchased items were the mercury glass votives from Target $1.00 a piece.

The tree is a 7.5ft white Pine(my favorite) nice and fluffy and will never be confused with the Christmas bush. I used burlap bows, family ornaments and the pine cones from goodwill. The ribbon and burlap purchased from Michaels during their 40% off sale $25.00
 The tree skirt red toile fabric given to me by my mother in law with red burlap intertwined.

The side table solid mahogany purchased at an estate sale for $10.00 including a ceramic bowl from Italy and a large piece of mahogany for a table top. Candle holders $3.00 a piece at a thrift store.The urn purchased at a consignment store for $20.00.

And there You have it my thrifty yet elegant guide to Holiday decorating, nothing makes the holiday shine brighter then knowing that I achieved a high priced look on a little budget.
Merry Christmas! SBW

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Begining (here it goes!)

As I sit here on this rather cold morning trying to muster up the energy to finish decorating for Christmas, listening to my 3yr old chase the dog with the nose aspirator, I realize just how lucky I am. For the last couple of weeks I have been going through a bit of a funk.

I couldn't really put my finger on the problem, I was stressed and worried about everything from, the current state of our political climate, to where to find the best grocery prices, my parents physical health, and my own mental health! Quite frankly I did feel like I was going a little crazy, and kind of spazzy, and then it happened! The last week of November!, also the last day of my parents 10 day visit, which we all know no matter how much we love them a visit can stress you out!

That Sunday after I waved goodbye made sure everyone in the house was fed and occupied with any activity to get them out of my way I rushed to the basement to start the excavation of all the plastic tubs and boxes from the Yucky part of the basement. It hit me I was in a place of pure excitement! I was no longer stressed or spazzy, I was a woman on a mission to create a winter wonderland for my family! This process in itself usually takes a day, but I already had a plan and needed to decorate at least one thing before the day was out!

As I opened up the many tubs and boxes I realized how many Holiday memories we had in those tubs and how many new memories had been added in just a few short years. At that moment I realized that even though this has been a really stressful and crazy year financially and emotionally, I was really grateful for the things that I did have in my life. I have an amazing husband who has loved and supported me, while I try to achieve some of my dreams. I have a beautiful smart daughter who is becoming her own little person. I have family that mean the world to me. Lastly I have friends that will not only stand by me, but find light in any situation resulting in the occasional snort or inappropriate comment at just the right time.

My hope for this Blog is not only to help others make their home a space that tells their story, but show my journey of doing the same thing on a very tight budget. In the next few weeks I plan detailing some of my tricks for decorating on a dime and not sacrifice style. The best places to shop and how to get great prices on things that you would expect to pay more for. Ill also share some of my favorite D.I.Y projects and lastly I'll give you a glimpse of what its like to be a Sassy black woman who enjoys antiquing and Flea markets. That is important because as anyone who knows me, it is usually in those situations that the funniest things occur.

I look forward to hearing from many of you and if you are in the middle of decorating for Christmas take a moment and reflect it will do your soul good!

SBW, Lynda