Thursday, November 30, 2023

Don't Let The Rotten Apples Spoil Your Fun!

The bowl is cut glass, so easy to find and super cheap for an elegant look

I found a sprig of pine to add and play off the red of the apples

This should last the whole season 


I haven't been able to write in quite awhile, well because of life. To be exact I had to go back to the stress center where I was 18 months ago. To say it was a major setback would be an understatement but it got me that moment I needed to see a few things in my life very clearly and confront some past issues regardless of the reaction that was certain to come. It also gave me the chance to look at all the obstacles I have had to overcome some self created or purposely put in my way, yet somehow I kept going. I had come to the realization that when someone purposely blocks you or places obstacles in your way, it's their obsession and need for control not yours. 

 I learned that the groups that block you the most are the ones that really hate to see you succeed and they will use the most hateful methods, and have the nerve to be angry when their intimidation methods don't work. On that note I have now encountered a couple misguided white supremacist in my travels. The first a young man in Greenville NC in a parking lot apparently my presence bothered him so much he had to flashy sign me his symbol to let me know that a black woman getting coffee was a problem, Who Knew?!

The next was in Indianapolis IN and it came from a fat man eating ribs with his cohorts. Funny enough at a restaurant that is known for embracing Black chefs and entertainers, that he choose to eat at. My theory on this is a black woman eating ribs with her family was so offensive he had to stop gobbling up his ribs to let me know by again flashy signing me. So the moral of the story is white supremacist find great offense in minorities getting coffee and eating out, which has been proven throughout our countries history at the lunch counters and boycotts that had to happen because God forbid black people eat out right? We know there was way more to that and still is but when you break it down in those simple terms it always sounds absurd. 

This ties into thrifting because while I love thrifting I have encountered my fair share of confederate flags, nazi memorabilia and offensive black art that one tends to encounter the further South one travels, with some parts of Indiana thrown in. Here's the funny part some of my best clients throughout the years have had some of these things tattooed in plain sight and most of them either addressed it and tried to explain, the others visibly had a problem with me especially when they realized that I was in charge and they had to go through me to get what they wanted. Money exchanging hands can cure any number of racist thoughts I have found, does it change an attitude? No but it won't stop them from figuring how to do business with you, Money is green after all!

After encountering these things this past week I was able to go about my day because, I chose to laugh at the thought of a grown man so wrapped up in his hate that he had to stop gobbling up those ribs to let me know my blackness was an issue for him. If that's not funny I don't know what is! I am little woman who only weighs a buck five so if he had to stopping eating the ribs to let me know I bothered him that's saying something. 

This weeks video is about creating a centerpiece from fresh fruit and other finds from nature. It works because this is season we are embracing the change in seasons and prepping for the holidays and looking forward to the new year and new beginnings. Taking all of the things that nature has to offer and incorporating those things into you table for the upcoming holidays. Even life presents obstacles it can't change natures offerings and what you make from them free of charge.

I went for a hike and found the pinecones, the apples came from an orchard in Indiana and the beauty of it is no matter where you live you can use what nature provided for you. If you live in a different region let me know what you use, I love learning about different areas and how they celebrate the holidays and if that is a different religion I really want to learn about it. 

. I found the bowl in the attic so many good finds there, I can't wait to delve into what I found and what I plan on doing with it. I placed the pinecones around the bowl and pyramided the apples for height. It was supper easy and came out beautifully. The key is to shine the apples with a little bit off vegetable oil using a paper towel to dip in the oil and a polishing cloth to shine the apple. 

The tie in for me is someone else's hate doesn't change nature and it certainly doesn't have to change your mood in both cases it can bring about laughter and a turn in thought. Keep being you and keep creating for you despite the haters of the world who will always hate. 

 I have learned that even though you are going through it, making something pretty can lighten your mood and allow you to feel like accomplished something for the day. If you don't do anything else stay positive and be proud you are functioning the best you can.